Daimler Benz DB Jager schematics?

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Dec 2, 2009
Please forgive me if this is in the wrong place,

Or if this plane is totally fake. I was trolling the Luft 46 site (as I am sure others have done) and I have always thought the DB Jager project looked neat. Well, neat until you need to bail out....

I've been searching for any real info on the plane... the site says a mock up of the forward fuselage was built... did any photos/drawings survive?

For the life of my I can't figure out how the could have stuck the props in the center of the fuselage... without it being structurally weak or a maintenance nightmare.


  • DBJager.gif
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Thank you Monkey,

When you say complete fake.... do you mean totally made up recently by somebody passing it off as a real project...

Or was it simply one of those fanciful late war projects that had no chance of being built in reality and was simply something to keep engineers "looking busy".
Disperation lead german designers to make very funny scribbled projects on paper pieces. The makers of Il2 (the game) says that they musted redesign the Lerche cause the original german design couldn´t fly. This project seems to be a son of disperation, as many of Luft´46 models.

Do you mean the flying ducted fan? Its a real oddball as well.

Back to the DB... if it does in fact have some connection to an actual project.... I'd be interested to see some original documents, the drawing I posted is obviously a later interpretation and not from an original source.

I'm no engineer but the tailplane looks much too small, and the props seem guaranteed chop up the pilot on bailout, ejection seat or not.
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In IL2 we call it flying Dildo. :D
Sorry for language if it is wrong.
Made up in hopes of not getting shot for treason.
Ha ha thats funny...

I guess I need to get this IL2 I keep hearing about.... apparently its packed with oddballs.

So the DB Jager was at least a real paper pipe dream. I can just picture the engineers saying, "The Fat Man is coming... look busy" :lol:.

The Germans really had a thing for complicated engine gearing mechanisms didn't they?
There was the Blohm Voss P192.01 and 2 that had the same layout, however it was rejected by the RLM after it was designed on paper because nobody knew if it would improve performance.
I read they made a mock-up of it.It was to get the db 609 engine.

And I do have several drawings of the DB 609 engine... its logical it was intended to go in something.

However, it is equally logical that the design of the plane was not far along and was cancelled with the engine.

Its a shame there doesn't seem to be any official drawings or photos of the rumored fuselage mockup. My interest isn't for some "what if" scenario trying to argue the Jager could have one the war or any BS like that...

I would like to try and build an R/C model of it, but I don't even have accurate dimensions right now.

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