DAP Beaufighter MK 21 photos

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Sep 8, 2009
I'm trying to find WW2 photos of RAAF MK 21 Beaufighters, but so far have only managed to find one photo of A8-95 (link). Would anyone here happen to know where I can find more photos of identifiable MK 21 Beaufighters belonging to the RAAF?
I think I should have some in various books, so I'll have a look and scan and post what I find. It'll probably take me a day or so, as I'm still trying to catch up with a back log of things!
Take your time, I can wait. :)

Meanwhile I'll see if I can find more photos on the net. I'll post them here if I do.
Even though you can't make out serials in all these pics, I hope they are of some use to you.

credit for the colour pic goes to Jack Cook.


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Nice selection Andy.
Max, I'm a bit surprised that you can't find any pics of Mk21's, as every reference I've seen, or have, includes a number of pics. There were 365 Mk21's built under the DAP programmes, serialed A8-1 to A8-365, so they're easy to identify from the re-serialled, british-built Beaus. The internet might be scarce for pics, but good old fashioned books seem to have loads! Some research subjects need a broader path than the internet alone!
Here's a few from 'Beaufighter at War', by Chaz Bowyer, published 1976. I'm afraid the others in this book were too big to scan. One has been posted already by Andy, showing the Australian National War Memorial in the background, but this example shows more of the background.


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Ah - you guys forced me. Can't get enough of these Aussie Beaus. Here's some more. 93 Sqn. A8-116

From Classic Warbirds number 6 - Ventura Publications.


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Max, I'm a bit surprised that you can't find any pics of Mk21's, as every reference I've seen, or have, includes a number of pics. There were 365 Mk21's built under the DAP programmes, serialed A8-1 to A8-365, so they're easy to identify from the re-serialled, british-built Beaus. The internet might be scarce for pics, but good old fashioned books seem to have loads! Some research subjects need a broader path than the internet alone!

Agreed. I simply wasn't looking in the right places. Thanks guys. :)

By the way, weren't any of the re-serialled British-built Beaufighters given serial numbers between A8-1 to A8-365?
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This is RAAF 93 squadron A8-164 SK-A taxing out for a flight at Labuan. I can't quite make out the yellow emblem on the nose but suspect this is the "Spookus Sneakinus" coat of arms - the aircraft was flown by McLeod, the A flight commander.




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