DH Mosquito B bomb aimer

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Jan 13, 2008

I recently was lucky to purchase a complete bomb aimers panel and a F-24 camera-assembly of the DH Mosquito bomber. I would like to see how these were fitted in this bomberplane. I spent many hours on the Internet but couldn't find any clear picture. Even on the Mosquito page no usable photo can be seen. It seems nobody had interest in the navigator/bomb aimers position of this plane.
Does some one (perhaps a WW2 veteran) has clear pictures of the nose section and camera position (oblique) of the Mosquito bomber or can direct me to a website or book ?
Not so much as a picture but a drawing of a bombers glazed nose and panel.


  • mosquito.JPG
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Thanks very much Wurger and Micdrow. Alas my bomb aimer's panel is not shown on this drawings. The Mk 35 has an updated bomb aimers panel/equipment I think or it is fitted on an other place in the nose section. Interesting is the Mk XIV or T-1 bomb sight, which I see now at first in a Mosquito picture.
My panel has a separate Bomb distributor, Bomb selector box, Camera control box, Bomb door light and on top 6 switches fixed on the panel. It is much bigger than the small panel on the left side in the above drawing of the Mk XVI, although I think my panel was removed from a Mk XVI. It is probably an artist impression. Hopefully a real, clear, photo will turn up one day.
I just discovered that on de Detailpics.net website are pictures of a Mosquito B Mk 35 from the De Havilland Aircraft Museum. On this pictures can be seen, though not very clear as they are taken from the outside, that on the place of the bombsight computer, a bomb aimer's panel just like mine is fitted. Only the Bomb distributor is replaced by a black box or cuver. If this is the correct position, where would the bomb sight computer have been situated in this plane?
There is very little room in the nose section. Or were also course setting bombsights MK IX used in the Mk 35 ? I would think the Mosquito was to fast to use this Mk IX properly, although I have seen drawings of a Mosquito with a Mk IX b.s. in it, but I don't know in which Mk that was.
I still haven't found a picture of the nose section on the Internet and in books yet. Alas many Mosquitobooks are out of print, so I can't check them all.
Isn't there anybody who can direct me to a book with clear photo's of the interior of the Mosquitobomber nose-section ?
Have bought five other out of print Mosquitobooks on Ebay last weeks. Alas still not one inside photo of the nosesection found. Obviously more than 400 viewers of this thread haven't seen one either. Amazing! Have asked the Mosquito museum for help. Hopefully I will get a positive reply. It would be nice if I could build a replica nosesection to fit the parts in on the right places.
Sorry I'm the only one who is keeping this thread going on, but I can't imagine there is not one photo available on this planet of the inside nose-section. However 535 viewers have seen this request now and no result. Also the Mosquito aircraft museum and the Mosquito page haven't replied. So little by little I think I have to give up hope to find a photo ever.
Hello again. Time for an update after more than 1000 viewers. Still not a word from the mosquito aircraft museum yet and no photo of the nosesection bomb aimers position found in fourteen Mosquito books. So I think I have to use my imagination when fitting the bomb aimers equipment in the replica nose-section I'm planning to build. As this equipment seems very rare and isn't published in any book I have printed a photo of it at My Photo -bomber.
Hopefully someone still can provide a photo before viewer 2000.
It might be a bit late to help, but there was a book published in about 1980, by Patrick Stephens Ltd., of Cambridge, on the Mosquito and how to model it. There was a photo of a bomber nose interior, and a line drawing with details key, I think of a B Mk XVI, possibly BMk 35. I THINK it is back in print. A trawl on the net may find a copy, or check out company above. Also, Mosquito Aircrew Association might help. The Association was officially disbanded in 2004, but the Secretary's address in Hertfordshire, England, is still on the Google net, under Mosquito Aircrew Association. There is a brand new book available which might help, it is :- Plane Essentials-Mosquito, by J. Bachelor M.V. Lowe. ISBN 978-1-906589-00-4.The author is also the publisher and cutaway and profile artist, so, if book not got what you want, perhaps he can help? Contact details:- Publishing Solutions (www) Ltd The U.K. price is £12.99. The Mossie is very close to my heart, as know a few Mossie aircrew and had a sit in the BAe TIII for a photo assignment, long before it sadly crashed with the crew, at my Aero Club near Manchester, so hope you find what you are looking for. Good luck !
Thanks very much for your info Airframes ! I'll try to purchase the books you have mentioned right away and if still necessary will contact the secretary of the former Mosquito Aircrew Association. I'm very pleased with your help !
No problem Sterling!I'll keep looking for you as I should have some info SOMEWHERE! Give my regards to the Netherlands, had a good friend in Nijmegen until a year ago when she succumbed to cancer. Nice people, especially to ex-Paras! All the best and good luck. Terry.
Thanks Terry ! I have just ordered the first book you mentioned: Classic Aircraft No.7, Mosquito- their history and how to model them, at an Internet- bookstore in Staffordshire. Hope it arrives soon and there will be a the right picture or drawing of the bomber nose-section in it, so that I can make a replica nose-section of this great plane. Regards Rijnko.
Glad to hear that book is still available. It may be worthwhile contacting the author/artist of the second book, as he is also the publisher, because he seems to have his finger on the pulse. From the description of his book that I have just read, it may be biased towards the FBVI and BIV, but he might at least have some clues. I am trying to contact a friend who flew Mossies at the end of the war and just after, but there's no answer at present - think he's probably on holiday. I'll let you know if I get anywhere. By the way, have you tried the RAF Museum library facilities? They may have some Pilot's notes or tech manuals on file, which should show systems diagrams, Just a thought. Cheers for now, Terry.
I'll contact the author of the first book as you suggest. Hopefully your friend can give more information about this case or even has some pictures of that time. I have sent some pictures of my bomb aimers panel to the RAF museum in Hendon, but they told me they had looked in their library, but could not identify it. So I have to do research myself and with your help. Best regards from the Netherlands, Rijnko.
Thanks v2. I have seen this picture on the Internet. Alas it is not an accurate replica nose-section and the bomb aimers panel on the right place is missing. Thanks anyway. Every info is welcome.
Hi Terry. Yes, the perspex nose will be the last and most difficult part of the job. Have to consult my network about that.
I have emailed J.Batchelor / publishingsolutionswww about the second book : De Havilland Mosquito- Infoguide no.1 of Plane Essentials and asked for information about the Bomber nose section. Regards, Rijnko.
Received the Classic Aircraft No.7 book to day. Nice book, but again no picture of the bomber nose section. In it however an interesting drawing of a Mk IX with a bomb aimers panel across the floor in the center of the nose section. The panel is different from my panel with a fuse box, electrical socket, panel light, automatic bomb distributor and bomb fuzing switches below it. Obviously my panel was fitted across the floor too. In a Mk 35 perhaps?

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