Diorama Guide, opinions wanted.

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Benevolens Magister
Aug 24, 2008
Cheshire, UK
At the moment, the Diorama Guide is progressing well, with the introduction and Section One completed, and work advanced on the first 'Build Guide', with drawings and photographs describing planning, materials, the baseboard and the actual build of the first aircraft diorama. This includes the figures and accessories, how they were sourced and/or converted or scratch-built.
However, in order to make this a worthwhile guide, which should really be published in (printed) book form, I have decided to go a little more 'in depth', which will result in the finished work being a lot bigger than originally anticipated. The first section described above is already in excess of 105 Kb, plus pictures and diagrams/drawings.
In order to make this available to the forum, and particularly as a useful aid to those that are new to the hobby, or still learning (as we all are!), I thought that it might be a good idea to post this in stages, in relevant sections.
Just to give an idea of the proposed layout, the complete guide starts with planning and preparation, covers basic materials, research and baseboard construction, and the first 'build', showing a fairly simple 1/48th scale fighter dispersal point in the E.T.0. during WW2. It then goes on to cover various scenarios, including landscapes, scenery, backdrops, and the more complex build of accessories such as servicing platforms etc., which are all incorporated into separate diorams. Culminating on hints and tips for producing dioramas for photography, using mixed scales, the guide will also include a listing of some sort on materials, their availability and source.
What I need is your opinions.
Do I post it in stages, or as a complete (lengthy) work, the latter taking some time to complete?
I will also need, eventually, some advice on the format for, and how to, post this in the best way for easy reading and reference.
Thanks in anticipation.
Thanks chaps! Like your idea Wayne, I was going to suggest additions by others, including yourself, of course!
So, I should be able to post the first section by the end of this month, all being well.
I could use some advice from mods on the format and how to post etc. Obviously, I can provide details of the text/illustration context and layout.
Thanks again,
Not being an expert, I have been working on a build sequence using a word doc and then converting each page to PDF, this for me at least has worked well. Especially in reducing the size of each page.
Thanks Wayne. That's how I'm doing it for now, but I think if I did it in 'Publisher', I could incorporate the pics and drawings as they would appear in a book, with proper page layout, if you know what I mean!
Somewhere in the vast array of stuff on my P.C., I should have the tools to convert to a PDF file, but perhaps if someone could give me some tips, it would help; this would be particularly pertinent if I decide to include some scale drawings/plans, for such things as 'accessories' to be scratch-built, in order that readers can download/print to the correct scale size.
Maybe Wurger, Matt or Micdrow could advise?
Thanks for the input,

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