Diorama ideas....

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Why not .. the Iranian jeep equipped with an M40-type 106mm recoilless gun may be a nice subject ..

Iran 1st Marine Battalion.jpg

Iranian jeep equipped with an M40-type 106mm recoilless gun.jpg

the source: the net ...
Why not .. the Iranian jeep equipped with an M40-type 106mm recoilless gun may be a nice subject ..

View attachment 646422

View attachment 646423
the source: the net ...
The first photo belongs to First Co, Bushehr Marines. The second photo belongs to Gendarmerie Troops, I'm sure those guys are from a regular Gendarmerie Infantry Battalion, Not the elite one, Gendarmerie's First Airborne Battalion, because they don't have the sleeve insignia of "Airborne".
Captain (Ret.) Hasan-Ali Ebrahimi Saieed, Anti Armour Platoon (M113 w/TOW), HQC, 286th Armoured Cavalry Battalion, 1st Brigade, 92nd Armoured Division, is credited as Second highest Tank Hunter of Iran Iraq War with 169 (yes, 13*13) confirmed kills.

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Captain (Ret.) Hasan-Ali Ebrahimi Saieed, Anti Armour Platoon (M113 w/TOW), HQC, 286th Armoured Cavalry Battalion, 1st Brigade, 92nd Armoured Division, is credited as Second highest Tank Hunter of Iran Iraq War with 169 (yes, 13*13) confirmed kills.

View attachment 647053
He would have been the highest scoring but he preferred taking down enemy armor with that .45.
Bitter truth of any war ...


Soldiers of Anti-Armour Platoon Inspecting dead Iraqi Tankist from 3rd Armoured Division ... Somewhere around Abadan, October - November 1980

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