Diorama ideas....

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Why not .. the Iranian jeep equipped with an M40-type 106mm recoilless gun may be a nice subject ..

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View attachment 646423
the source: the net ...
The first photo belongs to First Co, Bushehr Marines. The second photo belongs to Gendarmerie Troops, I'm sure those guys are from a regular Gendarmerie Infantry Battalion, Not the elite one, Gendarmerie's First Airborne Battalion, because they don't have the sleeve insignia of "Airborne".
Captain (Ret.) Hasan-Ali Ebrahimi Saieed, Anti Armour Platoon (M113 w/TOW), HQC, 286th Armoured Cavalry Battalion, 1st Brigade, 92nd Armoured Division, is credited as Second highest Tank Hunter of Iran Iraq War with 169 (yes, 13*13) confirmed kills.

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He would have been the highest scoring but he preferred taking down enemy armor with that .45.
Bitter truth of any war ...

Soldiers of Anti-Armour Platoon Inspecting dead Iraqi Tankist from 3rd Armoured Division ... Somewhere around Abadan, October - November 1980

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