Displaying your models

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Senior Master Sergeant
May 21, 2009
Hi all.

I had a great idea today, which makes me almost want to bet that I'm not the first person who's had this particular idea!

I was thinking about ways of displaying the model(s) I build, and I have got these MDF boards standing here, about half a meter long and ½-1 centimeter thick.
Now, the plan was to use one of them as a base for a diorama, but I've got more than one piece of MDF standing here, thanks to a carpenter I know.

And so I thought "Hmmm - how about sawing one of them, so that I get a square, about a little bit smaller in width than the wings of my 109 model, and then paint it with the Balkenkreuz? Would that look cool or what?"
Whereupon I proceeded with patting myself on the back (- it isn't very hard to do that, y'know, once you get going! ), and started looking around for computer graphics online that I could use to make a template.

Then it struck me: I'm working on the JG26 109's, how about the "Schlageter"-insignia/badge?
After a bit of searching, I managed to put together a useable version of the "S"-shield into a decent pic which can be resized easily in Word, and then printed.

The cool thing is:
You can do this with any badge or roundel from any air force and any squadron, and then paint your MDF or plywood board in the proper fashion, so that the display base fits the size/country/squadron of your model.

And since most model builders are tool fetich...sorry, collectors, then my guess is that it isn't hard for any one of us to do - or selected buddies with a workshop and tools - and it'd make the masterpieces in our collections look even more cool - or what?

I sure know what I'm going to do tomorrow:
Borrow my ex's saw and dig out the paint!




  • Balkenkreuz small.pdf
    7.8 KB · Views: 89
  • Balkenkreuz medium.pdf
    7.8 KB · Views: 86
  • Balkenkreuz large.pdf
    7.8 KB · Views: 63
  • Schlageter small.pdf
    69.1 KB · Views: 129
  • Schlageter medium.pdf
    69.1 KB · Views: 86
  • Schlageter large.pdf
    69.1 KB · Views: 97
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I never thought about the badge Maria but that is a pretty good idea.I would go a step further which many do and picture frame classy like Cheers
I never thought about the badge Maria but that is a pretty good idea.I would go a step further which many do and picture frame classy like Cheers

Two advantages:

1. You keep the model itself dust-free, and it's by far a lot easier to dust the frame.
2. It would look way cool!

Great idea, thanks!


Maria what about dividing the platfrom into four equal squares and putting the badges in opposite corners with the other two corners either RLM 76 or 78?The plane is what 02,74or75 then 76.The plane might stand out pretty well against the 76 base but match the fuse .Just a thought.Cheers

The picture frame would be like this here Maria http://www.ww2aircraft.net/forum/your-completed-kits/latest-works-fw190-he280-28096.html but I know what you are talking about;I think maybe of making a plexglass box cover which I thought about doing for this but I have a big cabinet.
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Hi again Javlin, and thanks for the ideas.

Hmmm, you could also paint the Balkenkreuz smaller than the base, and then paint the background colours with the RLM-colours. That'd be cool too.

About the pic frame: Exactly, that'd be really nice, I think.


....and your fetish Maria , is putting crazy ideas in peoples heads!

Great one!

Thanks - that's 'cuz my brain is overflowing, gotta share.
I don't wanna be alone in the asylum, y'know.

Jan is now going to make a load of MDF bases, painted black, with a gold-coloured Guinness harp as the background image .......

...I thought that he was going to make them from his collection of empty Guinness cans???

....and a sh*tload of 13's!

No s***, Sherlock!
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....Jan...I'm getting seasick by that avatar of yours!

Anyway, I finally had the time and the opportunity to continue working on my idea here, and I borrowed my ex's electrical saw and did the MDF thingies.
Now I'm about to start painting the bases.

Here's the result so far - no fingers or anything else got lost in the process:

Thanks guys.
Painted the bases with the first coat of white paint. i'm going to give 'em one or two more layers, and then I'm going to paint the cross and badge on 'em.

Or I could make a square base and paint it with a section of the map of northern France that I used for displaying my first 109-model...*thinks*...now things are getting a bit more complicated...but it would prolly look good.
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Thanks Wurger.

I finished the first plate, the "Schlageter" badge, a few days ago, but I haven't had the time to photograph the thing until today.

I'll definitely recommend taking your time to mask the "S" properly when painting the plate, I think it'll look a whole lot better if you do that, but I gave it a try with hand painting.
Am working on the Balkenkreuz plate.

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