Do you train any kind of a fighting sport?

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They were infrared lasers so aslong as they did not have NVG's (which we found no baddies that had them) they could not see it.

The M-60D that we use as door guns (it is just a modified M-60 with a butterfly grip) were all fully autos which is what you would want for Door Guns. The point of the weapon is to put out lots of lead so to cover the infantry or who ever we are picking up or dropping off.

They are getting us 240G's now hopefully though.
All fire superiority! I saw an interview with a U.S Marine back in 2003 when the war was going on in Iraq - and someone came up to give him a weapon they had found on some dead Iraqi. SVD Dragnouv with NVG sights!
Groin kick first, then he gets down, several knees or fists in the face and I bet you're a winner.

(Good advice: chceck out your 6!)

PS: Been to paintball this weekend, I'm waiting to recieve pics from that via my email.
lesofprimus said:
They are getting us 240G's now hopefully though.
Now THATS a weapon...

Agreed but I still love my M-60D. She never quit on me.

plan_D said:
All fire superiority! I saw an interview with a U.S Marine back in 2003 when the war was going on in Iraq - and someone came up to give him a weapon they had found on some dead Iraqi. SVD Dragnouv with NVG sights!

Yes that was the Iraqi Army not the insurgents that we are fighting today. Of the tens of thousands that we have killed and of all the ones we have captured not a single one had any kind of NVG devices. Now I am sure they are out there but they are primitive and very very very scarce.

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