Thanks Igor. You'll see more engine pics below and in the "Finished" thread that will be posted shortly.
Well this will be the final progress post showing the last little bits and pieces going on. Some details on the canopy hood, mass balances and the oil cooler stiffener were added today to round out this build.
The first order of business was to create some knobs for the sliding panels on the canopy hood. These were done by painting a length of stretched sprue RLM 66 then flattening the ends with a hot knife. I cut 3 in case I lost one.
In these next 2 close-ups, you can see the added knobs as well as the canopy release latch which was also added.
Next is a shot of one of the finished mass balances which looks much better cut down to scale.
This last batch of shots was taken as part of the series for the Finished" thread but will not be posted there as I picked 4 other optional shots. The stiffener in the oil cooler opening can be seen in this next shot.
This shot from slightly low starboard serves to show the finished brake lines, the flattened tires, and some of the streaking and oil staining added to the underside.
Close-up of the canopy:
A shot from low 4 o'clock clearly showing the exhaust staining.
And finally, the finished tail showing Steinhoff's 51 victories achieved up to that point.
Thanks to all of you who have followed this build and for your comments along the way. Now it's back to my 410 for the final stages of its construction. See you there!