<> **** DONE: 1/48 F4U-7 (BuNo. 33710) - WW1 / WW2 over Water.

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Good stuff Geo.
Before committing yourself with the engine, just check that it will sit in the correct position inside the cowling, if you're omitting that 3-part assembly.
Thanks gents. Terry, the engine slots onto an insert which positions the depth of the engine. Had they made either part a bit bigger or smaller it would have been a perfect fit with no need for the 3 part doohickie.....

....which fits perfectly inside the back of the engine, touching nothing else ...

Anyhoo...........5 kit parts make up the wing fold area, 3 are shown. I still have to attach the wing fold attachment and a microscopic part that fits on it and also into that little hole at the bottom. Not the bigger one on the left that is in the open but the little tiny one in the shadow

There is no assembly order (I miss those) and in hind sight I should have attached the last two pieces first. Not a lot of room left for added detail. I'm also considering cutting the attachment points and dropping the flaps
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Thanks Geo, I see it now. Bit of a waste, including the back of the engine when it won't be seen.
Some nice detail on the wing fold stuff - add a few bibbly bobs, and it'll look the biz.
Thanks Kirby and Andy. A test fit of the flaps show a no go on dropping them without major reshaping. Finished the mudding of the fabric panels on the outer wing halves, a few spots need to be redone.

In the meantime I looked at closing the hatches on the upper wings, many parts involved and we all know how well separate hatches fit ...

One thing that irks me about Hobbyboss's use of the same parts for different kits is that the innards aren't included here, just the hatches. Surprise, surprise....the hatches fit very well. Just a bit of filing and sanding.

The only minor glitch was with the two large hatches where I didn't touch. I'll figure out how to fix that later.That hole you see in the wing and it's corresponding one on the fuselage is for a supporting bar when the wing is folded. I know it's on U.S. aircraft but I don't recall seeing it on French -7s. I'll do a quick check and add it later if needed. I'm done for another week, camp bus in an hour. Have a good week gentlemen.
Not exactly Andy ... the enlarged parts of images show that bars were used though ...

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