**** DONE: 1/48 Fw190 D-9 white 12 Jg301 - Your Favorite Aircraft of All Time GB

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according to EE the undersurfaces were light green, underwing natural metal RLM 75 to first panel line including gear doors

upper surfaces RLM 82 bright green/RLM 83 dark green with possible misting of RLM 81 on rear fuselage spine, rudder appears white with fabric removed indicating there may have been some marking applied. wavy fuselage dark green is typical of the 500 series werk nummers and that the unit was most probably a D-9/R11 with heated windscreen.
Wow! I love research.
a little side notation it appears that more than 5th staffel Dora 9's had the strange lighter coloured rudder, several fotos exist of red numbered Doras with 6th staffel which was the first to receive the crate performing high cover duties for the heavy III. gruppe in early 1945; taking took possession of Dora 9's in 6th staffel by the end of December 1944. . . . . . a little something from my future work on JG 301. ♫ ♪
As of today (yes I spent ANOTHER 45,00EUR on kits - but the exchange rate is AWESOME at the moment!!!) I have 10 Eduard Fw 190D's (Jesus - I only counted them a moment ago) and must admit to really looking fwd to building them... This number consists of 1x Fw 190D-9 Weekend, 1x Fw 190D-13 Weekend, 3x Fw 190D-11 Weekend, 3x Fw 190D-9 Profipack and 1x JV44 Fw 190D-9/-11 combo - I know, its a bit ridiculous, but what can I say? When you're offered 2x Profipack D-9's and postage for Au$52, you don't say no! But enough of my bragging...

500408 White 12 is one of those a/c that interests me a lot, in part due to its relationship to 500645 Brown 4; 408 appears right at the start of what I have heard referred to as the 'late Mimetall Scheme' of 81/82 and its one of those schemes that no one really seems to be able to peg down! Plus EE and Japo seem to be at odds on the subject... personally in this instance, I tend to prefer the Japo take on things (some of the EE stuff doesnt make too much sense in places - like wings: upper RLM76 and RLM83 (Dark Green), but with lower in RLM75 - why use a third colour when everywhere else things were being streamlined and refined??)

Anyway, this is just my 'thoughts' on it...

BUT I will point out that it is also quite possible that the wings/tail are RLM81 instead of RLM83 Dark Green, and it is suggested that the Green parts of the engine cowl were mostly painted over with RLM81... Or the gun trough may have also been green to begin with too.

My other concern is that the fuselage may well still be in RLM82/83, and the interpretations by Japo that its 81/82 in incorrect!... I dunno, any thoughts? I'm happy to keep evolving my little painting guide I have about 7 versions of one of these for my current project - 211164 Black <4



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stick with Eagle editions, Jerry has had extensive experience in sorting out the colours of this werke nummern`please note his work on the Dora and the associated decals of JG 301 Dora 9's
Erich - you prefer the EE take over Japo??? I must admit, I have sort of leant the other way myself...

My main problem with the EE take on 500408 comes back to the wings - I dont see why the Germans would be using a 'third' colour, when they were actively trying to rationalise on materials, complexity, work hours, etc... Thus, my interpretation of RLM83 under the wings (assuming the top colours were in fact RLM76 and RLM83). Of course if we choose to look at the Grey on the wings differently, things change; I shall explain my thoughts.

Those German late war pigments seem to be REALLY unstable or sensitive to UV light/weathering. If 500408 was given a set of wings that had been painted RLM75/RLM83 (which is far more common), with the RLM75 being from a 'contaminated batch' that just weathered within weeks of being exposed to the elements (ie, really 'chalky', like Im sure we've all seen when we have screwed up paint/thinner ratio's), then it is quite plausible that we could see RLM75 lowers, with RLM83 and FADED RLM75 uppers. Additional to not being directly exposed to the sun, the continued 'conditioning' of the lower surface RLM75 would help maintain the colour, with oil, moisture, gun gases, etc, 'soaking' into the porous/chalky finish.

Still, in my case (and as I've said elsewhere) I tend to be more about 'tonal difference' on the finished model - if the colours display something approximating the appropriate tonal difference, anyone with have a VERY hard time arguing with your solution! And this one of the really cool things about D-9 modelling, the camo and the hours of frustration and revisions and 'forehead-palming' you end up doing! My solution for my D-9 211164 Black <4 does not correspond to ANY other solution I have yet seen (Japo, EE, Aeromaster, Eduard, Superscale) - for example, I am SURE I can see a W3 lower wing surface; Im sure the tail is mottled with RLM81; Im sure the 'repair light grey' is the same colour used under the rumpfband overspray, on the fin LHS, under the LHS Balkenkruez and the LHS wing root; and I am pretty sure I can see traces if RLM82 where both Japo and EE say it isn't!

Fun, isnt it!

BTW Erich - you were working on your own D-9/Ta 152 work, were you not? Is that still happening and is it near or far?

Dan the chaps at JaPo and EE actually worked somewhat together on their volumes, I just feel that EE has a better understandable interpretation of the JG 301 Doras all the way around of course that is a strong feeling of mine knowing Jerry for so many years and that I think answers your last question = yes I am still, we must also realize we are working from b/w fotos but some regularities do occur as standard.
Well Erich, as you have probably noticed, JG 301 is high on my list of 'interesting Dora operators' (VfS is a close second, btw) - I gather from the above post (and others of yours I have read), you're focus is actually on the JG 301 a/c? Either way, from what Wayne has mentioned (and as selfish as this may sound ), I do hope its a case of sooner

check with Waynes former postings. white 2 was my cousins A-9 that he portrayed beautifully. and yes JG 301 from what has not been covered in Rescheke's excellent work; for one I have been able to deduct on latter war ops what US units faced JG 301 for several missions and the materials - text are quite indepth
Now that sounds interesting! (I went through Rescheke's book a while ago, listing D-9 WNr/Tactical Codes - but remembering you have made mention of some small errors, I take those with a grain of salt - and extrapolated a list of WNr to go look up sometime soon)... So it'll be more than just "Camo Markings of JG 301"? Cool

my text just on the mission over Misburg on 26 Nov. 1944 is well over 4 inchs thick, granted way too much to cover in one book on a specific unit. Bill aka drgndog here has been of immense help as JG 301 faced the 355th fg and 2nd SF for just two of the units.

understand that not all JG 301's Doras are listed with wrk numbers nor tactical staffel numbers and also that Reschkes work lists A-9's lost which should of been Doras, no sweat Willi had what was avaialble to him at the time of his writing

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