Thanks for the comments! Work continues on Hill's Angels. I turned my attention to the booms for some needed improvements. The various scoops and flap openings need to be thinned out.
The landing light underneath the wing was scooped out with a drill bit and outlined with a circle template. A clear cover was punched from sheet of clear plastic.
The cockpit components were glued together using CA glue. The seat was glued to the armor backplate but not glued into the cockpit. I'll add the seat later so that it doesn't get in the way of masking and painting.
The cockpit assembly was glued into the top fuselage/wing piece. The bottom fuselage/wing piece was then fused in place using Tamiya Thin glue.
After the glue dried overnight, I took off the tape to inspect the seams. The most problematic seams were in the front where the cockpit resides. The starboard side separated a bit while drying, creating that white spidery gap. The bond is fairly strong so I will gouge out the gap with a knife to allow the liquid putty to fill the gap. Mr Surfacer 1000 is used to fill the seams.
The puttying requires drying time so I use that as an opportunity to jump back to the booms. The radiator vents will be replaced with photoetched parts from Eduard so I'll have to perform some plastic surgery on the booms.
A small drill bit is used to chain a series of holes around the area to be removed. I need to make sure that the circumference of the drilled hole doesn't extend beyond the limits of the vents.
I can use needlenose pliers to gently wrench the vent loose, leaving a very raggedy hole.
An x-acto knife is used to extend the opening to the molded seam of the vent. A bit of cleanup with sandpaper finished the job.
Do this 4x and the booms are ready for their photoetched vents. I'll leave off the vents to prevent damage during the construction process... hopefully they will be a good fit.
I've done some cleanup work on the fuselage seams near the cockpit but it'll take a few iterations to get to where I want. This view shows how the notch in the Aires sidewalls matches up to the receiving tab in the fuselage piece. I'm ready to attach the coaming so I've replaced the missing levers in the throttle quadrant.
The coaming is carefully put into place without knocking off the new levers. Some finger pressure will be needed to get the part to fit.
Tamiya Thin glue is seeped into the joint and the coaming is pressed down into place. The slight oozing of black from the interior is a good sign that I'm getting a good bond between the parts. After drying, I'll go through an initial round of Mr Surfacer 1000 into the gaps and sanding.
The nose gun cover halves are glued together. I've added some recessed circular fasteners to replace the tiny raised bumps of plastic. Oh... need to add one more fastener to the lower left corner per the background pic!
I'm gonna continue with the nose cleanup... the attachment of the gun cover to the fuse will need special attention.