Thanks guys! The sanding work on the boom/wing joints has been tedious stuff. An initial application of Milliput to bridge the noticeable gaps and then Mr Surfacer to help blend the transitions. The primer coat helps identify the imperfections that need attention. You can see straight through the radiator vent openings. I should've blocked these off with plastic card before I sealed the booms together. It's too late now. The vent doors should block the view a bit but it's still an unfortunate miss on my part.
The joint between the top of the wing and the engine cowl line up well so I simply stuffed any gaps with Milliput and wiped the excess off with a wet paper towel.
I've reduced the majority of the boom joints to spot repair, which is a nice milestone to get across. Now I'm creeping ever closer to painting so I decided to mask off the cockpit using tape.
After spraying the frames with the interior color, I like to put on a coat of black to make sure that the frames are opaque. Light shining through supposedly solid canopy frames can really spoil the look.
Using the black overspray as a cutting guide, I can cut out precise masks for the cockpit opening.
The cockpit opening is nicely and neatly sealed off and ready for painting.
I think I should add the radiator vent doors so the interiors are painted. I've added some actuation rods using brass tubing.