**** DONE: 1/48 P-47N Expected Goose - Pacific Theatre of Operations II

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I guess the closer to the pilots head the armor is the smaller it has to be to provide the same protection and that way a lot of weight can be saved.

After seeing that wonderful engine Andy did I just couldn't let it be so I added an ignition harness. The round part was made by stretching some sprue rather thickly and wrapping it around the core of the engine wile it was still hot, and then filing it partially flat with a file after it was cut to length. I used my smallest drill to make the holes in it and used the finest copper wire I had. It still has to be painted. All this took place over the last several days, but the wire alone took over 2 hours last night.

Also, I got the fuselage together last night. Most of the cockpit detail will still be visible.

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Re: the slope of the armored headrest. I think the headrest was sloped like that was to increase the thickness of the armor without the added weight. It also gave some deflective qualities. This was also done on tanks.

Been working on cleaning up and polishing seams to prep for the NMF and re-established some panel lines that were lost (pic 1)
The oil cooler vents were molded closed (pic 2) so I opened them up (pic 3) still needs a little smoothing out.
I also installed the navigation lights over a dot of red and green paint, filed them flush with the wing surface and polished them clear again (pic 4)

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Thanks guys

Dang, Glenn. Those vents look classy. You have now convinced me to take my time and open them up instead if using black paint to suggest an opening.

It was pretty easy George. I drilled a series of small holes with a small drill chucked in a pin vice and then connected them with a sharp # 11 blade. Total time for the one side shown about 10 min. Still needs a bit of cleanup though. When I do the other side I'll take a pic of the holes drilled

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