Hey Dave, thanks for posting those again. I'm always on the lookout for good reference pics so will file these on my hard drive if it's OK with you. As to "nit-picking", there is no way I would take this the wrong way. Part of my enjoyment of this hobby is to investigate and replicate the correct technical workings of my subjects - within reason. If I did something wrong, I prefer being called out on it.
Now, as to the specifics of these connections, my thoughts are as follows: The manual reference that you provided above comes from the P-51B Pilot's instructions and does not show the pressurizing system for the auxillary tanks. In order to "push" fuel into the fuel system, air pressure from an engine-driven compressor is applied to the vapour space of the tanks via the pressurizing lines. In your pictures, the pressurizing line can be seen inboard, and slightly behind, the fuel line which is close to the leading edge and just outside the outer gun port. In contrast, pictures of the installation on the D model show the fuel line and pressurizing line entering the wing together:
This setup for the D model is confirmed via reference to the Erection and Maintenance manual which clearly shows these lines close together.
The bottom line is that the installation for the B is different than the D. Having now seen your pics though, it does look like my guess for positioning the pressurizing line was bit off. It should have been a bit more forward and inboard than I placed it but I'm satisfied with the decision to keep them apart.
Hope my response makes sense. Would appreciate you or anyone else offering a rebuttal if you think I'm off base.