**** DONE: 1/48 P-51D - Pacific Theatre of Operations II

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That's a shame Geo. Covering decals with Future does add some measure of resistance but if you had a weak bond between the decal and model, then the Future won't help much if there's something like a sticky finger that pulls the decal away. The decal-to-model bond in your case was the weak link.
Thanks for feeling my pain gentlemen. Just need some final touch-ups and this is done. I'll try to add some red to make it less obvious but the black trim will be impossible.

Try an ultra-thin black permanent marker. I've used this in the past to do very fine touch-up. Another thought, hide it with a big oil drip, exhaust stain, burn mark, ect.
I messed up the tail boom decals on the Widow by grabbing the boom before the decals had completely dried. Fortunately I had extra decals
Thanks guys, I'll give the red a try later tonight but the black may be out of my scope. Just have to add the landing light and pitot tube plus I totally forgot about the landing gear cover numbers.

Do the black first and carefully do the red up to it, till you have a fine black edge....fine brush, steady hand and a good eye....maybe a magnifier with light might help too to get it right too.....

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