Clear coated the decals and will flat coat tomorrow. The Wyvern didn't carry rockets during the Crisis but it did carry the rails so off comes the rockets but first I painted the stubs as I didn't want to take the chance of getting paint on the "I'll never get the correct mix for this yellow ever again" yellow.
Removed and tidied up. The rod will be used on the back stub...
...rod attached and the second one from the left has been attended to.
Thanks men. Closer...ever closer. The main body has been matte coated, I successfully fixed the small rip on the tail "J" and the rocket rails went together smoother than anticipated. Not 100% but good enough.
The trained eye will notice the ejector chutes. I should have dealt with these before the rails
Thank you sir. Wings are on and even though everything fits as it should, one sits lower and photos of real aircraft don't show this. Not going to worry about it now.
Thanks guys. Getting the lil bits together now. Instructions say the bomb is O.D. but I've read different. Just trying to find the article. Instructions also say to add the tail ring but a photo of an aircraft about to be launched shows no ring.
Thanks Andy. Gently filed away the piece the spinner attaches to and using more pressure than needed, the spinner popped into place
The fit is so tight I'm leaving as is, no sense tempting fate. La bomba is attached to the belly pylon and just needs a bit of touching up on the fins.
Should have it on it's legs shortly. 14 more thangs to install and done. Might be tonight or tomorrow night, PG in the morning if it doesn't snow