**** DONE: Bf 110 C Stab II./ZG76, Maj.Erich Groth - Me/ Fw Group Build.

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Must have been damn good tucker to do that!!!!!!!!!!

400 people with the sniffles tomorrow...............

Cajun chicken in Ciabatta bread with lettuce and mayo, 8oz cumberland sausage with fried onions and homemade burgers plus some picnic boxes with chicken liver pate, goats cheese quiche, cajun chicken salad, potato salad, cheese and biscuits and chocolate truffle with raspberry coulis.

want one i got some left ????
Sounds fantastic Karl, would have loved it.

Customs here wouldn't though they frown on imports of any forms of food and confiscate most of it with a severe warning. So sadly I can never bring back any lovely pork pies and just have to make a pig of myself while there.
there is a program on out telly about Aussie customs, nothing to delare i think its called and boy oh boy are they tough on anyone try to sneak stuff in, surprised you get to see the pics of food i post !!!!!!
ok progress shots as promised.
pic 1 overall pic of M8 +AC
pic 2 the props and spinners, though i may go back and lighten the green tips
pic 3 underside view
pic 4 view of the wonderfully over engineered landing gear, need to touch up a couple of the bits with RLM 02

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