**** DONE: GB-35 1/48 A-1H Skyraider - Vietnam French/American War 1950-1975

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Thanks Guys, initially i thought it wasn't too bad till I took the masks off and compared to the White it just didn't cut it...

I hope to get the balance of the remasking and painting done tomorrow
It seems to be a weird colour Wayne. I was going to go with the Model Master "Light Gull Grey" which is a bit darker than the white but when I looked at the photo of the F-8 that I'm making the Light Gull Grey is a lot darker so I'm now thinking of using the Tamiya Deck Tan....

You know George, looking at different pics of a range of aircraft from the period in Colour and black and white....they vary quite a bit....so you do have just a bit of latitude...

Finished my extra masking and painting...weather rolled in so pics out in the sun didn't happen ...hopefully tomorrow.

The grey looks spot on, but the point is well taken, there seems to be quite a bit of variation, judging from the ranges shown in the various images available.

RAN greys are supposed to be the same as USN types, but I would swear that the greys used on RAN aircraft are darker than those were seeing for these US examples
possibly. seems the most plausible explanation.

Running contrary to that hypotheses however that the RAN carrier steamed more miles than any other carrier in the world in the 1970s. doesn't prove anything, because it may well be that a/c on the US flat tops were stored more often on the deck rather than under it

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