**** DONE: GB-35 1/48 F-8E Crusader - Vietnam French/American War 1950-1975

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I always liked the Monogram canopies too. Its too bad the last big spurt of new released they had back in the 90,s was before engraved panel lines. that's the only real complaint I have with those kits.
Thanks all. The wife had surgery on her foot yesterday and aside from the 4hr. delay things went well. Slowly painting the bang seat so while waiting for it to dry I thought I'd tackle the wings as once the innards are done this is going to go quickly. It seems that 1988 is the year Revell got their act together and hid the copyright stuff.....

...however....WTF....seriously Revell...WTF....

....anyhoo, there is a very minor warp that needs coaxing, nothing a little bondage can't fix

Absolutely but a pain in the keester none the less. Just about finished the seat, just weathering now. True Details would have one build the face curtain ejection handles out of wire but the kit already has that covered, just need to remove the at the line indicated...

...and attach to the resin seat
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I'm glad you've entered George. Don't know much at all about this bird, so will be interested to see your interpretation.

Aftermarket parts are generally a cool addition especially for older kits lacking detail. however my experience with them is that you have to be careful about fit issues. they can quite often not fit as advertised. Usually can be fairly easily fixed or altered, but you need to make sure things go together properly.

sorry for the lecture, just trying to help.....
Geo is getting all kinky and stuff with bondage and models! I find that a fairly small ball pean hammer can be used as well for those really small fit issues!

Hope the wife is up and around soon, sounds like you need supervision!!!!

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