**** DONE: GB-35 1/48 F-8E Crusader - Vietnam French/American War 1950-1975

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Thanks guys. Robert, she's on Tramadol/ACET....knocks her out cold. Probably 4-5 more days of it. She is hilarious to watch though as she tries to negotiate on crutches. She sees the Doc in 10 days and if all is good, she gets a soft cast for a few weeks. Anyhoo.....did a trial run of the wing/fuselage join, not to bad, might have to add some strip to fill in the gaps.

Thanks guys. There are intakes on either side of the exhaust that Monogram chose to mold these as solid so this is my first attempt at opening stuff up, I'll try MGs and exhausts at a later date. Also shown is the IP which is just as boring in real life

I'll call this a minor success. Making a cameo appearance is the seat

Attached the intakes to the fuselage, needed to refine the attachment points a bit

The refuelling probe can be displayed open or closed. Of course with these options one fits better than the other and its usually not the option I choose. I had to remove the hinges and do same sanding to get it to close.

I already know the outer wings will require much work to get them in the flight position so they will be folded...

Much obliged gents. Innards are done. Pictures show a green bottle behind the seat and it took a while to find the colour which is called ANA 503, Oxygen Tank Green, FS.14187.

I mixed equal parts of Tamiya Yellow Green XF-4 and Green XF-5 and got it close enough

The seat in place for effect, I'll put it in at the end

At the moment I'm adding plastic strip to the back of the wing/fuselage join to minimize the gap
Thanks guys. Added .50mm X 1.5mm plastic strip and some thinner world famous Walmsley & Assoc. 2006 plastic calendar (feel free to use the toll free number but I doubt these idiots are still in business)...

There are gaps between the bottom of the wing and fuselage join so I added some strip. This will also bring the front of the wing up flush

Thanks kindly. Fiddling around with the fuselage halves, trying to figure out how to make this seamless and noticed that by looking down the intake I could see the cockpit tub plain as day. So now I'm trying to figure out how to make an intake cover. While looking at the sprues and looking for sub-assemblies, I found this part that isn't shown anywhere on the instruction sheet...

...I've got a bit more grinding to do on it but it sits thusly...

I wonder how many glued the halves together before finding this out

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