**** DONE: GB-36 1/48 Bf 109E-4 - Axis Manufactured Aircraft of WWII

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Thanks chaps.

Spent about two hours masking, ready for the upper surface colours. I went a bit OTT, as I don't want to risk over-spray on the blue. It wouldn't normally be a problem, but my hands and wrists are quite stiff at the moment, and handling the fine-line airbrush is a bit tricky, as the top-mounted paint cup is right in line with the stiff, rigid forefinger on my right hand.
Ever seen a mummified Messerschmitt ?

Just about to spray the RLM 02 and, with luck, I hope to get the RLM 71 done tonight, after a bit of a nap.
Back later, all being well.

Bf109 Schopfel build 078.JPG
Bf109 Schopfel build 079.JPG
I'm still trying to figure out how to remove all that tape !
Anyway, the RLM 02 has been applied, using Humbrol No.31 Slate Grey matt enamel, which sprayed nicely, even though I accidentally knocked over the plastic shot glass I mixed the paint / thinners in, and had to start again !!
Depending on what time I wake up later, I might be able to get the RLM 71 sprayed, and then start un-masking and check for any excess bleed under the spaced masks.
The fuselage aft of the cockpit has a 'tight' spaced mask, almost a sharp line, while the demarcation from the windscreen to the main cowling joint is sharp (I hope !), with the main cowling itself having a very subtle, soft edge. That's what I'm aiming for anyway, but we will see !
I'll probably spray the cowlings and fuselage spine freehand, but use spaced masks for the splinter pattern on the wings and tail-planes.
Back sometime soon(ish) .........................

Bf109 Schopfel build 080.JPG
I think I should be OK Wojtek. I tried, as best as possible, to lay the tape insuch a way that there would always be a 'free end' to lift with the tip of a sacpell blade - but it's probably going to take almost as much time to carefully remove it, as it did to apply it !!!
Yep. Fortunately you applied the Humbrol 65 enamel. It is a quite good paint. I don't remind myself there were any troubles with unsticking of the tape and peeling of the colour when I was painting the 1/24 scale Bf 109E of the Airfix.
I like the progress and outcomes Terry. Wotjeks suggestion about wetting the tape in warm water should come in really handy for my acrylics, which can suffer pretty badly from tape as it is lifted away.
Indeed. At first glance, that 02 looks quite dark but that's probably due to the camera adjusting for the light background.

I would say that the Humbrol 240 should be better as the RLM02. ALso the Humbrol 84 with some of the white. The Hu 31 is too dark IMHO.
Yes, the 'RLM 02' (Humbrol No.31) does look a tad dark in the pic, probably due to using Aperture Priority, with forced flash, at f29, against a white background. It looks OK 'in the flesh' though, and is a very close match to the old Humbrol Authentic Colour RLM 02 ( I've kept the tin for over 30 years, as it exactly matches the RLM colour chip). I'll have a look for that Humbrol 240 though Wojtek, as it could be useful.
Anyway, the main painting is now done, and I'm pleased with the results. The hard/soft edges I was aiming for have worked out quite well, although it's difficult to see in the pics, and there were only two small areas that needed a little adjustment , which was the 'tight' soft-edge demarcation immediately behind the cockpit on the port side, This was very slightly too high, and not level with the area further aft. The other area was a slight 'kink' on the inner edge of the RLM 71 'triangle' on the starboard wing, but these have since been corrected.
I had intended to leave the masking on the yellow areas, but as one lifted when removing the other masks, I removed them all, and I'll just clear coat these areas too.
The pics below show how it looks so far. Next step is some detail painting, followed by a gloss clear coat, which I'll try to get done tonight, although I have a lot of domestic stuff to catch up on first.

Bf109 Schopfel build 082.JPG
Bf109 Schopfel build 083.JPG
Bf109 Schopfel build 084.JPG
Bf109 Schopfel build 085.JPG

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