**** DONE: GB-36 1/48 Heinkel He-51 - Axis Manufactured Aircraft of WWII

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I do not like this plane, I have it because they gave it to me in the imaginary friend and the truth that if it was not for that I had already resold it
I do not like this plane, I have it because they gave it to me in the imaginary friend and the truth that if it was not for that I had already resold it
Well she is a challenge Sergio instructions are vague to boot but I continue to contemplate and the more I do the closer I get to the answer.I would love to get the He-51 1/32 from Silver Wings and do the Italian markings now that's a beaut

I don't know if it's for real but sure is a beauty maybe Uncle Alberto could weigh in?

Some pics;added some piano wire (used on the Walrus) for some controls starboard side.I am in the process now of making the seat handle for the port out of the same wire with a brass sleeve for the handle(black) then she closes up As you should notice the pedals have been re-positioned the guy would of had to be 8' tall again my first position was per instructions?Fit,Fit,Look and Fit

The red handle on the port side was added two knobs there just kept building up the white glue about 4X to the desired size need to paint the back of seat and knob for touch-ups.
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Good start. Love the looks of the aircraft but not enough to buy the kit
I know Geo prices are out there but guys pay $150-$200 for a 1/32 Tamy kit and never blink.SW just like doing the oddballs the regular Industry probably never get around to be nice if Revell Germany take some on?Well top of the fuse is drying as I type
Nice working so far Kev... as far as the SW model of the He-51 is concerned, it's a very nice one kit.

Heinkel He-51 | Silver Wings

But the Italian colours of the profile you posted above seem to be a fiction rather.

And here is the rigging scheme you may find in the downloaded PDF file at the SW site I posted the link.

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Thank you very much Wojtek,Something about the Italian colors but then my wife is atleast 3/4 Italian Hey maybe that's why I went after her Thks again Wojtek you solved another mystery
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I didn't know it was possible to be half Italian.
Me 1/2 French got some papers all the way back to 1600's Canada and I would say Shirley's mother is mostly French Louisiana style,Baton Rogue.My mother was 100% Canadian French last name Bedard when she went on a trip to Paris in the 70's the cab driver started Biotching about Americans she let go on for awhile he never knowing better and she started talking in French of course he literally clammed up My father-in law was 100% Italian 2nd generation.
The fuse is glued together ATTM needs some minor sanding;as to the thread it will be black I would guess .006"
I found this for the angles of struts

I think the issue has been solved cut off the little stub drill out to .020" and insert hollow .015 brass tube.I then drilled all the way through the wing set and fill.Some other work since last night also

Moving quickly. Good work.
Well Andy down and out from work two procedures but I just can't stay still the doc the the other day almost sneered at me moving my arm after 5 days but also wanted to start rehab hell I did on my own just a miscommunication nurse was surprised how much I could flex the hand today.I am in for my first PT on the shoulder tomorrow I am bring the Doc and Nurses a peace offering orange sour cream pond cake w/glaze for all the angst for ditching the sling after 5 days

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