**** DONE: GB-36 1/48 Heinkel He-51 - Axis Manufactured Aircraft of WWII

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The fuse is pretty well on it's way just a little more out front of the lower radiator.I will start drilling the wings for rigging tonight.The extra pieces have come in for the exhaust,tailplanes and the MG's.I want to play with the fuel tank underneath have located a good 1/32 SW# build shows some good details to maybe enhance that area.
I find myself using more and more on this kit I am using alot of the .015" brass tubing as anchors/locators Lower wing is glued and sanded,all holes for rigging have been drilled at the sacrifice of two bits.

The kit piece was a chunk of plastic made the step first go around in about 2 minutes if that cleaner.

Moving along here I wanted to do something with the tank mimicking this 1/32 Silver Wings build..

This is my version CA's was just a slip tank and mounts.I used the punch kit for the cap,AL rod .025",made the thing a me jig on the side of tank and the strap is from a 1/32 109 foot pedal straps.

This tail piece is not coming off even if I drop it brass to the fuse and the brass bar out front

Going great Kevin
Thks Geo got some hours in her today all in all maybe 6-7 also got the blue made up and sprayed with the red for the tail.The kit gives you a big decal for the tail but figured I just cut out the white circle with the swastika.
The colors for the blue was made using a French Blue(humbrol) and a White(humbrol) probablyat 75%W to 25%FB theirs abouts it needs to match the squadron insignia.

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Got some paint laid last night after everyone left out in the shop till about 11:30PM peeled it back this morning not to shabby a couple of touch up here and there.Merry Christmas all

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