**** DONE: GB-37 1:48 BP DEFIANT - Helicopters / Military a/c of BoB 1940 (1 Viewer)

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Spring was last Wednesday, between 14.00 and 14'45 hrs, GMT.
Mayhap and Perhaps in Merre Olde though I did think that by the Chesterfield Act you Englishers finally saw the writing on the wall and joined the rest of the world in following the Gregorian Calendar. The Act had two parts: first, it reformed the calendar of England and the British Dominions so that the new legal year began on 1 January rather than 25 March (Lady Day); and, second, Great Britain and its Dominions adopted the Gregorian calendar, as already used in most of western Europe.
Chesterfield introduced the Bill into Parliament on 25 February 1751 (1750 Old Style). It was passed by the Commons on 13 May and received royal assent on 27 May 1751.
As to the Vernal Equinox, in order that the northward equinox would have the same date in the new Gregorian calendar as it had when the Council of Nicaea made recommendations in AD 325 (March 21), ten days were dropped so that October 5 became October 15 in 1582. Those nations that adopted this calendar on or after 1700 had to drop more than ten days: Great Britain, who, by Golly wern't gonna listen to no Pope had to eventually drop eleven.
In England and Wales, the legal year 1751 was a short year of 282 days, running from 25 March to 31 December. 1752 began on 1 January. To align the calendar in use in England to that on the continent the calendar was advanced by 11 days: Wednesday 2 September 1752 was followed by Thursday 14 September 1752. The year 1752 was thus a short year (355 days) as well.

SOOO...Terrance me Laddie for the rest of the world the Vernal Equinox occured on Wednesday, March 20, 2019. To be more specific for you all in the Mother Land twas at 21:59 Zulu
P.S. THAT'S why Easter was on April 1 (First Sunday after the first full moon after the Vernal Equinox)
Maybe , old chap, but Spring is over, and we're now back to Autumn - or 'Fall', for the benefit of you ex-Colonial types, what !
No summer this year, as we've all been very naughty boys !!!
Well it's more like Winter here, 3C and 32kph from the North (dram Cannucks left the door open again) even some flakes of white crepe coming down.
Wait til the sun comes out and it's 35C
Not much to report, painting odds and ends as I don't want to start using the masks and halfway through painting, head to camp and then come back a week later and find out the masks stick like limpets because they were left on too long. Nice of Airfix to mark the parts for those of us that cut the parts of and forget which is which.


I got quite a few detail shots of the defiant now at Cosford

Great to see Terry. I soooo want to do a walkaround of that Defiant. I used to walk past it sooo often when I worked at Hendon. I'm going to be in the UK in July and will be going to Cosford, so I'm gonna have to use my contacts at Hendon to get me access behind the ropes. Wanna do the Ju 88 too.
Sounds good Grant. I didn't have time to get in touch with my contact, but I was lucky enough to be invited to have a close look at the FW190, by one of the guys doing maintenance on it.
The Ju-88 will be a good one - the bomb doors are open, something rarely seen.
Give me a shout when you're due to come over, and if possible, we'll try to meet up, maybe at Cosford, unless you're going to 'Legends' ?
And now, back to our scheduled programme ..............
Yes indeed Terry, would like to meet. Going to Legends, RIAT, Shuttleworth and Farnborough; packed agenda, but I'm sure we can arrange something.

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