**** DONE: GB-37 1/48 Hughes 500D - Helicopters / Military a/c of BoB 1940

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Not shorts, blue jeans for both, but that will be a red Hawaiian shirt Magnum will be wearing. T.C. on the other hand will be wearing a green shirt with a round white "Island Hoppers" logo on it. (if you look closely you can see the masking for the white circle) I'm thinking of having T.C wear Nikies and Magnum where Pumas
Added the control panel and sticks and in the last picture the front canopy has been glued on. The fit wasn't great and you can see here that I've already started filing down the step between the glass and canopy

Good stuff Glenn.
Can't remember - was it flown from the left-hand (port) seat in the TV show ?
Helicopters are normally the opposite to fixed wing types, being flown from the right-hand seat.
I've been re-watching the series on DVD with my daughter (who's idea it was for me to build it for this group build) so that was an easy one Terry

Finished filing the edges of the canopy flush with the fuselage, then spent a good hour or more polishing it with progressively finer grits up to 12,000 then finished it off with a coat of Future. I might get to the masking tomorrow.


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