**** DONE: GB-38 1:48 P-47D - Axis A/C

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You must be pretty confident about fit to attach that fiddly PE stuff before you even cut the sidewalls from the casting blocks!

Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Bwahahahahaaaa. I hold my breath a lot.
Well, a red letter day, the Kit finally arrived. Like everyone else, all the bagging comes off and a good look around, pick pick pick.
To address the comment about working on the resin pit while on the big base piece, I use an exacto saw to separate the blocks from the sides.
I soldier on.
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The cockpit, not a lot of difference in the kit and resin parts, seat....yes, later.
PIT 3.jpg

painting the sides now, mostly done, switches and stuff left........
pit 4.jpg

I soldier on.........
Thanks, it's good to be back on the bench. I make afternoon time to keep from rushing.
Today I removed, just by filing and sanding and rescribing lines, the dimple circled.
I'm gonna cast rudder and elevators for this one, like I have done others to depict a hasty exit....
horiz stab.jpg
After Wurger posted this Scavenged photo, it got me to thinking.

Then I found This one.....

and thought I could do that!!!!!!!! Stripped out gun bay! Flat tyres (tires).
Im expecting a resin engine, can't help myself, and may leave the prop off.
Open some inspection panels. A few other odds and ends. Started cutting the gun and ammo bay covers off!

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