**** DONE: GB-40 1/72 B-25J - Heavy Hitters III

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Thanks guys, just can't stop.
Hoping I finish before March 3rd deadline!!!!
So I have finished One of the shell chutes for the waist guns.
This is how.
1. Piece of square, this flat Styrene.

2. Glued up cut pieces of square to the flat.

3. Cut them apart for two chutes.
Add a couple more bits for contour.

4. Fitted in place, not glued yet.
After lots of shaving with scalpel, filing, sanding.
Hat to heat and twist to align with the gun.
The bottom square bit has to be a box, upper mid part to gun is flexible,
maybe leather and attached to the gun. Allows swivel at glass.

It goes on and on
Aw schucks.
I found on some details of the "J" there was an issue with light intrusion for the glass nose.
So a little horse blinder was attached to only the starboard wing landing light.
Just sawed a slot, glued and inserted a piece of card stock, then shaped.
A little "mock-up" of the wing!
Thanks guys.
Talking painting now, fuselage.
Looking at the lead-in photo of the nose, took the artwork from this one,
and the one from Micdrow

I'm sure the nose sides and top were NMF, with non-glare black in front og the cockpit glass.
Over-all fuselage top including wings and above center, rudder and vert stab olive green.

Now the bottom I am assuming may have been the usual light sky blue???????
Any opinions???????

The anti-glare panel is OD, not black! There are 2 anti-glare panels on the inside of each cowling as well - both in OD.

On the second photo you can se that the anti-glare panel colour is lighter than the locally applied top camouflage. The darker shade is probably the old OD-paint and as this have been mentioned in many books before, the depots had big reserves of this paint even late in the war resp. used it in combination with the new OD-shade. You can successfully use this difference for your model as well.
The undersides of the planes with locally overpainted top-sides remained in NM. They were not painted in field. You can see the different aluminum panels shades in this nice photo of a ship from the 488-th BS. The fabric covered parts remained in aluminum dope of course:

The ways the top OD was applied differ from a/c to a/c though. Check your books for references, but if you need some more I can upload several of the photos I have.
Thanks for all that.
I'll get it right now!!!!
Here's another photo of a 340-th BG ship - "Ave Maria":

You can see the areas and colours I described in my previous post. The canvas covered aileron has already changed its colour after some use under the Italian sun. "Ave Maria" was a B-25J-1 from the 447-th BS., 321-st BG. and has a blue cowling ring. 486-th BS./340-th BG. colour is white (first squadron in the group; the other colours in the group were blue, red and yellow). BTW on the 2 photos of your bird you see that on the first you have the complete ring in colour and on the second only the lower half. I think the half ring was the later variation, but I'm not 100% sure. You have to choose what do you like better.
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Great detail I would never have noticed, I owe you.
By th first photo, my post, it appears a complete ring and I would guess blue,
from the hue and contrast with the NMF at the nose of the AC.

You Reccon?
Great detail I would never have noticed, I owe you.
By th first photo, my post, it appears a complete ring and I would guess blue,
from the hue and contrast with the NMF at the nose of the AC.

You Reccon?

If you mean this photo it should be white even if it appears somehow darker. Sometimes the white rings were dirty from fumes maybe and on photos appear yellowish. As I wrote above 486-th squadron (6Y incl.) used white as a squadron colour. I guess even the hub could be white on this photo - I've seen photos of 340-th BG planes from all 4 squadrons and sometimes the propeller hubs were also in the squadron colour. AWOL below is 6W from the same squadron.
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