**** DONE: GB-40 1/72 B-25J - Heavy Hitters III (1 Viewer)

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Have you shortened the entrance hatch Bill ?
Nope, same size...................
Although the hatch is under the turret post, there was still plenty of room to gain entry.
No way Any kind of floor cover could be opened, one or even bi-fold.
Far as I know, there wasn't a hinged 'floor' cover over the forward, outward opening hatch, although there was on the rear hatch. Just going by photos attached. Clearly a bit forward of turret swivel post.
I recall a RAF aircrew member account describing how he stood on the (forward) hatch to move up into the cockpit, and it fell open, but not fully due to the slipstream, as it hadn't been properly latched. Fortunately, he was able to close and lock the hatch.
That would cure me of hanging around behind the pilot!!!!!!


Clearly forward of turret post. Not going to include the toe of the shoe!!!! That's going Wayyyy to detailed.
Good stuff Bill. Looks like the inner hatch cover is bi-fold, whereas the rear hatch had a single cover (ribbed) opening inwards to starboard.
The only B-25 I've been in was the B-25C Mitchell II that used to be at Duxford until 2009, and although I don't recall a forward internal hatch, there might have been one.
Good stuff Bill. Looks like the inner hatch cover is bi-fold, whereas the rear hatch had a single cover (ribbed) opening inwards to starboard.
Tha's correct, one piece door is pretty clear in a couple of my ref photos.
The only B-25 I've been in was the B-25C Mitchell II that used to be at Duxford until 2009, and although I don't recall a forward internal hatch, there might have been one.

Going back to post #17 the second photo you can see the forward ladder as well as #49 forth photo from the movie.
Annie is home for the next six weeks school holidays so my bench time will be limited. I am close to starting serious painting. Can't wait.
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