**** DONE: GB-40 1/72 B-25J - Heavy Hitters III

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A bit of engine work as well.

A very informative and interesting build Bill. Great work on the interior. Caught my eye on the news story with the dateline "Coos Bay", I lived there back in the '75/76 time frame. I have som 72 scale stuff (four engine plus) but doubt I'll ever get to the smaller scale again. I'm running trifocals and they don't help much at that scale.
Fantastic thread. I don't know how I was missing it, I'll definitively be following it attentively.
A la chase!
Thanks guys. Been doing some airbrushing on pencil cases for my wifes school kids, graffiti styles names that has taken me away from the bench.
So I decided to open the cowl flaps.
Every time I do something like this I risk ruining an irraplaceable part and bring the build to a skreeching halt....

I thinned the edge with a scalpel, then used an etched PE blade and used a pair of flat nose pliers and just bent them in place.
A bit of glue to the back to set them.


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