**** DONE: GB-40 1/72 B-25J - Heavy Hitters III

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So among other things I been scratching I just didn't like the pilot seat,
so I made my own!
When I can get a decent photo of the interior areas I will post them.

Is it all too big,
He'll yeah.
Made the seat the same size, but all the other stuff makes it 1/48th!!!!!
Picture tomorrow.
A valiant effort I maust admit.
But there is something to be said of MEASURING fit!!!!!!
I didn't. More like 1/48th scale I would say.

FWIW I think the scale of the seat is fine. its that backing piece that's out of scale. how much trouble to pull it apart and make the backing piece smaller?
My solution?
Just cut the bugger in half, top to bottom.
But I had to do it TWICE.
Cut the armour panel off first, and cut it down.
It's a bit better, no more seats at 1/72nd for me!!!!!!

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