**** DONE: GB-40 1/72 B-25J - Heavy Hitters III

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Weighting the nose.
Not easy on this one.
I started with a big rod of lead, father in law had a bucket of the stuff for sinkers.
Clipped it, filed it, whittled on it to fit beside the tunnel under the cock[it.

And there it fits finally.
Had to whittle and grind to allow the nose gear to fit in beside the big chunk the length of the void.
Dot another chunk I'm gonna put behind the IP.
Not sure if this is even enough.
I may have to fill half the tunnel beside the bottom one.
I can, I think put one coil of solder wire behind the engine each side.
I just hope I can get enough inner or I'll have to glue the wheels to a base.
Then this was all for naught.

It goes on!!!!!
Good start in the process of raising the weight.
At the time I made lead steaks, slicing it with a knife and I was arranging the fillets in the holes available. I fixed them with CA.

Buen trabajo Bill
So it's Mon, a week later, and am back at it.......

So I did find some PE........ for a B-25C/D..... was going to just use the belts
but decided to use the IP as well..... who's gonna know...... ooops!

Attaching the masks is always "touch and go"
sometimes you gotta trim....

Got some bombas......... kit had 3 @ 1000lbs
I wanted a fuller load, so 6 @ 500lbs......
call me craaaaaazy.
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Thanks guys...............
So the painting continues......
Doing it in sections.
Have done the tail section, masked canopy installed, Silver underside OD top and vert stabs....
Wings silver underside, NMF, then masked underside for top OD and pattern at nacelles........
Engine cowls OD, props painted........Dry fit all this.
Figured easier than trying with the beast fully assembled!!!!!!!!!
Now I'm forced to start painting the interior!!!!!!! Arrrrrrgh.
Me gusta como se ve.

Courage Bill, it will be easier to mask the interior. It is likely that what you did, has been easier than masking it assembled and painted.
I'll already tell you about it, because I'm going to paint my Heinkel after having it all assembled.
We will see how it works.

Saludos amigo and nice work so far

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