Thanks Geo.
With the flaps done, the next step was to fit anything that may need attention at the joints, in order that all of this work, including the upper wing roots, could be carried out at the same time.
Therefore, rather than fitting the radiators first, the lower cowling, incorporating the carb intake / Aero Vee filter needed to be assessed, improved where possible, assembled and fitted. A quick look at the three kit parts immediately indicated that some work would be needed around the intake, as this was far too rectangular and 'flat', and lacked the recessed 'lip' between the intake and the bottom of the cowling panel.
The pics below show the parts, and explain what was needed and how it was done.
Pic 1. The three parts for the lower cowling panel, just press fit here. The small, rectangular part at the front is called out in the instructions to be painted black, as if it was an intake grille. On the real aircraft, this, in fact, is a hinged shutter, and should be painted in the interior colour, Cockpit Grey Green, along with the inside of the intake.
Pics 2 to 4. The 'flat' profile, lack of recessed 'lip' and rectangular intake can be seen here, and compare this to the photo of the real thing.
Pics 5 and 6. With the two halves just press-fit, work is underway re-profiling the intake, and creating the recessed 'lip'. Constant checking and adjustment was needed, until the shape looked as good as it was going to get. Three different files, a scalpel and fine grit 'Wet and Dry' paper were used to complete the work, and this brought back memories of a similar job, done on the Airfix 1/48th scale Mosquito PR.IX conversion, which I have still yet to finish (!!!).
Pic 7. Once the main work was completed, the shutter was fitted in place, and the two halves of the cowling joined and glued from the
inside, to avoid any marks on the outer joints. Once fully set, some fine sanding was completed, around the intake 'mouth', and the 'lip'. The cowling on the real aircraft has a riveted joint along the center line, faithfully reproduced on the kit parts, but the carb intake was a separate, one-piece pressing, attached to the cowl panel. Therefore, apart from some clean-up, the cowl joint will be left 'as is', but the intake section has been shaved and sanded, to remove any trace of the joint. After cleaning, the shutter and visible interior of the intake were painted in grey green.
Pic 8. To ensure that no light-coloured plastic could be seen through the carb intake, the underside of the fuselage, where the cowl fits, was also painted..
Pics 9 and 10. The cowling in place, with the intake sanded, but the center and fuselage joints awaiting a little attention. Note that it was essential to ensure that any sprue attachment burrs were totally removed from the jointing faces, and that the part was test-fitted each time, to ensure the best fit and joint.
Next step is to address all of those joints that may need a little improvement, especially the wing roots and the root trailing edge to root fillet, shown earlier, and then assemble and fit the radiators and wing tips.