**** DONE: GB-46 1/32 Ki-45 - WW2 Eastern Front / Twin Engine A/C, Transports and Gliders

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Appreciate any comments, thanks......

Control column painted and fitted, Instrument Panel in place and attached to the newly fitted forward bulkhead....and that about does it for the Cockpit assembly stage.....
79_Control Stick_5785.jpg
80_Forward Bulkhead_5828.jpg
81_IP & Bulkhead_5791.jpg
82_Cockpit Assy Done_5802.jpg
83_Cockpit Assy Done_5804.jpg
84_Cockpit Assy Done_5809.jpg
Was there any data transferred between Japan and Germany about the upward firing cannons? Were the Allies aware of this kind of installation? I've always wondered if a barrage balloon type cable dropped from trailing bombers would have been an effective defence. Looking real good!!
I'm still amazed at the parts count for your progress so far, very nicely done too

Parts used in the fuselage/cockpit.....100 and still a few to add...!

Darn. I was half expecting crank, piston and camshaft

I forgot to add a pic of this so went searching for a suitable image, courtesy of a review on Britmodeller site, this kit has stuff you wont see inside the engines......
90a_Engine Piston detail.jpg

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