**** DONE: GB-47 1/72 Mosquito - WW2 D-Day and After - Western Front

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I'm getting ready to build the sister to this one that you have built, the Taymia NF Mk.XIII/XVII. I have already finished the Tamiya FB Mk.VI/NF MK.II, same kit as you have done. I did not do this first build justice and was going to try and make up for it, searching for others that have done similar always adds some information and techniques. I am impressed with the cockpit detailing, but perplexed as to where some of the details came from? My sprues look just like you have posted and none have the features you have. Scratch made? Extra purchase? Impressive, if scratch!!

Ok! Confusion rules? I did wonder how the red turned to green in one page? So, the 1/48 has these cockpit details? That would explain a lot. So cudos to you then for the great detailing!!!! And even with the red seat Greg's looks very good.
The arrow at your 2 o'clock position pointing to the fuel filler pipe is scratch built. The two horizontal torque tubes (throttle and prop pitch) behind the seat are also added by me. The rest are all kit parts.

Actually there's one more scratch add. The duct to the left of the seat is for hot air to the cannons and was not included in the kit.
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