**** DONE: GB-48 1/48 F6F-5 - Carrier & Maritime Patrol A/C of WWII

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Staff Sergeant
Oct 31, 2012
Austin, TX
Username : dneid
First name : Dale
Category : intermediate
Scale : 1/48
Manufacturer / Model : Eduard 1/48 F6F-5
Extras : Look IP, possibly decals

Pictures coming tonight or tomorrow.
Box 1.jpgBox 2.jpgHellcat Book 1.jpgSprues 1.jpgPossible Markings.jpg

I am not 100% sure on the decals. I do like the trick-color scheme on the last bird in the picture. But, I need to research this one further.
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Ok, started in on the cockpit. I started by laying down some Model Metals Dark Aluminum park, then a light dab of table salt and sealed it with the Model Matels Varnish. Laid down some interior green and let it dry for a couple of hours. I then came back with stiff brush and knocked the salt off to represent the initial chipping. I did the same with the seat as well. I prefer this method versus scraping the top color off as that makes it far too easy to run through the aluminum as well. I will do some additional, minor dry brushing as needed.
I started in the side panels as well. I scraped off the molded throttle quadrant on the left hand side panel in prep for the PE bits (Yeah, there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth for that). I looked over the right side panel and compared it to the PE. I am leaning heavily towards not using the PE as the molded in detail is nice crisp and will give me more of a 3d appearance versus PE.
Thanks for stopping in.
Cockpit floor salt etched.jpg
Left side panel.jpg
Seat salt etched.jpg
sidepanel 1.jpg
Hello, guys,
I have made progress nicely on the Hellcat. I have completed the cockpit and it is place in one side of the fuse. I just started closing the fuse up.
Detailed cockpit pictures:
I did use a Look IP. I really like it over PE. Not 100% better, but much easier to work with and it slipped right in. I lost one of the throttle quadrant PE pieces to the carpet monster (the "backing plate" for the quadrant). I wound up creating an outline of the throttle quad on a thin piece of sheet. I extended it a bit further from the rear of the quad like the now missing PE. I then used some stretched sprue to create the lever/handle. I let all that dry, attached the quad with some 5 minute epoxy, let it dry overnight, and glued it in place (last pic in the list below). I do use white glue on all those PE "knobs" to add some dimensionality to the knobs. I did wind up using all the PE pieces, minus the IP pieces, in the cockpit. In think things look reasonable.
Cockpit with levers.jpgCockpit with levers 2.jpgCockpit with Look IP.jpgCockpit with shoulder belts and side panels.jpgSide panel with throttle quad.jpg

Fuse / Side PE:
I did get the few PE pieces mounted onto the cockpit sidewalls. This was easy.
Right side fuse with PE.jpgLeft side fuse with PE.jpg
So, on to closing the fuse and dealing with any seam issues. More updates to come. I am really liking the Eduard f-5 so far. But, let me to wings / fuse assembly and we will see. Thanks for stopping by.
I started closing up the fuse. Things are lovely with some minor sanding, especially on the belly. But, patience and persistence are paying off. There is an issue with the rear bulkhead not reaching all the way to the top of the fuse. I decided to try filling the gap with some plastic rod and I will then putty to get things sorted. Yes, sanding will be tricky, but slow and patient.

Front view of cockpit installed.jpgCockpit filling gap in bulkhead.jpgBelly Seam filling.jpg

Thanks for stopping by.
Ok, I spent yesterday trying to see if I could airbrush Mr Surfacer 1000. That made for a big mess with my airbrushes. So, I tore them both down and got out the acetone to give them a HARD clean. Some time during that cleaning thing, I must have laid an acetone wetted pipe cleaner down and it came into contact with the Hellcat (pic1). So, sanding and filling with Mr Surfacer 500 and more sanding done and things are looking better. I need to do a little more filling and sanding and I should have the fix done. After that comes rescribing and re-riveting things. Man, I hate the self inflicted things.
Major Oops.jpgOops Repair 1.jpg

Thanks for stopping in.
Does anyone have a "clean" right side fuselage? I had marked some raised detail during my above repair with a fine needle. Between sanding dust and primer I can not find the mark. Of anyone has a fuse, can you snap a picture from the rear of the cockpit and maybe 2-4 fuse bands back?

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