**** DONE: GB-51 1/48 F-4E Phantom II - No Propellers

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OK, I duly impressed, post #14. I'm not sure I've ever seen more than 6 in.sq. of clear work surface? This should prove to be a handsome build. Will you be using any of the components that came with the kit itself:evil4:?
OK, I duly impressed, post #14. I'm not sure I've ever seen more than 6 in.sq. of clear work surface? This should prove to be a handsome build. Will you be using any of the components that came with the kit itself:evil4:?
good question Ralph! we will see in due time I think.
nice subject.
have an acquaintance in the states who was a back seater in Nam.
shot down severely injured and laid in the jungle for a couple of days before he was picked up.
lucky to survive. good bloke.
nice subject.
have an acquaintance in the states who was a back seater in Nam.
shot down severely injured and laid in the jungle for a couple of days before he was picked up.
lucky to survive. good bloke.
There are many who fought that war, many didn't come home. Many did come home physically but not mentally. My cousin came home. But was never the same. It took years for his wounds to kill him but it was still a battle field loss.
Seats are really nice. I wont use the resin on these unless I screw up, and there is a big chance on that one.

Seat is pretty much normal with the rt and lft halves. Then the cushions. Seat bottom, back head rest and top of the seat.

That being said. I need to repaint after taking the head rest off the sprue for some unknown reason Z-M add an ejector tit on the front of the head rest. Had to be a reason but I don't know why. Any way, I had to cut it off and clean it up. I bought some new glass files. $25 but the jury is still out as to if I like them $25 worth.

So far I like them they come as in super fine, fine, and medium.

after clean up and weathering (light dry brushing) then the seatbelts come in.

Yes that is a sewing pen and the tip of a tooth pick. Not sure how well my shaky hand and trifocals will do but hey, you only live once. Oh and the upper left is the medium glass file.

So here is the start on the Quinta Studios seatbelts set. I've decided not to use the seat pan as I've not seen it in any photos I've seen.

They are small, so tedious.

The upper cross directional straps I did first. Oh and yes they do recommend CA to help with the adhesion. I attach the larger section first with CA as needed and then use CA to hole it going over the corners. sorry for the blurred photos.

Not bad ah!!!!

Once in the water is just takes a couple seconds and they will come right off!

The tedious part is sliding them in place. Magnifying glass, bright lights, and tooth picks and tweezers are my friends here.

Let them rest for a few hours to set before trying to ply them over the edge. I did these wrong and they should have been down lower on the sides.

Than I did the center short belts and the outer long belts and lastly the ones between. note I broke the upper one above the whitish grey strap.

All in all I've learned from this seat and I'll do better on the second seat. There is still quite a bit to go but I think it's looking the biz!

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