**** DONE: GB-52 1:72 North American B-25J Mitchell - Heavy Hitters IV

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Okay Boys. A somewhat unusual situation. A weekday update. Here she is with the nicks and dings fixed. She's starting to get her markings on. The yellow is Mr. Color RLM 04. Painted over a white base. Vertical stabs are glued in place along with the engines. I added the ignition rings on the engines last minute. The wings are still dry fitted. I have been drying fitting them and they were going in nice if not loose and flimsy but tonight I applied a bit force back toward the rear of the fuselage then in and they clicked right in place. Not loose at all and I like the fit. This is a good feature of this Hasegawa kit.

Looking good.
Is there a reason for not fitting the nose section ? Could cause some problems when painting later.
Hey Terry, yeah the nose landing gear kept coming loose during the build and if I glued it in place then added the nose and it came loose again I wont be able to fix it without taking the nose off. Now that the painting is done my plan is to glue the nose gear in place, build up the nose section by adding the two perspex nose glass sections along with the nose MG to the bottom nose section then mask the glass nose section, paint the whole thing then glue it in place. Once done remove the masks that Eduard provided.

A bit disappointed. Last night I got the landing gear on and did a dry run and she sat on her ass. Not good. I scooted out to Crappy Tire (my fellow Canadians will know what I am talking about) and purchased some round fishing sinkers and some pencil weights as well. I will post an update this evening.

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