**** DONE: GB-52 1:72 Savoia-Marchetti SM79 - Heavy Hitters IV

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As I expected, not very much cockpit detail. And what there is is, well, crappy. Maybe I should include the pilots to give the area some color and detail? A shame with the large windshield to be able to see into the cockpit. After looking at how the attached photos look I need to detail the seats a bit better knowing that they can be seen.

I finally got all of the internals and components that need it, sprayed with the gray interior color. Hard to see as it is really close to the molded gray. The landing gear will be interesting in that some of the parts need to be assembled into the wing sections before gluing the wing sections together. I always prefer to install landing gear as a last item in that it is out of the way for painting and such. If I read the instruction information correctly, the gear 'may' be able to fold up into the wing area, getting it out of the way.

Nice start Ralph

These old tool Airfix are very basic in terms of internal details but usually Look good overall when built and painted.

Cheers Greg

There are two panels, port side and starboard that are installed prior to joining the fuselage halves. The Port side fits great, seam wise (although I will be choosing to leave out and have the gun in place). The starboard not as well. There is a large 'gap' that needed to be filled to create a reasonable looking seam. I'll need to do a little scribing before finishing. Wish it were reversed. Oh well. The window openings don't look so great either. But at this scale will be hard to notice, especially after the camo is applied.

Glad I have a new tube of Vallejo filler....

Good stuff.
Although there are a few fit problems, considering the age of this kit, it's not too bad. Detail-wise, for the time it was quite advanced.
Starting to look like a build. Fuselage glued and filled. Looks presentable. The RED arrow is pointing to a mold defect that I have seen un-fixed in many builds. The 'hole' is now filled. Or maybe its supposed to be there? The wing root fits are looking good as well. I still need to glue the wing halves together. Shown is a dry fit. When glued the wing root seam will hopefully disappear, or be easily fillable.

The side cockpit glasses looked the same at both sides.

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View attachment 648845
I see in the second image (bottom) the area where the triangular glass pane is located, just below it is, what appears to be, another ' trangular pane' of some type? Surely not glass. Camo coloring? Or just shading from the angle of the photo? I had thought of this area as being finished 'flush' with the fuselage panels. Looking at the photo it seams I am mistaken?
No. If i can explain better? There are two triangular shaped 'panes' together. One is definitely glass. It's the one below that I am questioning ? The one that adjoins closer to the fuselage .
OK. That's the glass. Its dark appearance is due to the shadow in the cockpit that can be seen through.. Below a shot of a bird in a museum. The glass can be seen well.

BF 109 had the similar one there ...

the source: the net

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