Oiva Tuominens Fiat G-50 FA-26 The Camouflage Pattern..?
Tuominen's Fiat G-50 has been portrayed in most Profiles with a distinct mottled camouflage of Dark Green over Hazelnut Brown over the upper surfaces.
However, as I applied the Green Mottle over the Brown (First application) and studied the available photo's the camouflage really did not match what was presented in the various Profiles/Photo's at all.
I then overpainted the Green with the Brown again and did the second application of Green, still not satisfied it match the photo references.
The first major pair of photos of FA-26 in July 1940 show what appears to be a dark upper surface camouflage with a just discernible Heavy mottling, as a result of the photos taken on a dull overcast day. (First photo)
Further images of FA-26 as flown by Tuomimen in the latter half of 1941 show the progression of applied victory marking to the Rudder of his Blue 6.
(Photo's 2 - 6)_Each Photo whether in bright or Dull or shadowed condition show a dark broad mottled application of the Green over the Brown in each case.
Appearing to me that The Brown has been oversprayed considerably reducing it to a minimum visibility for most of the aircraft.
None of the photo's showing the distinct Tight Green mottle and distinct Brown beneath as seen in profiles.
Images of other aircraft where this distinct tight mottle is applied, it is plainly obvious to see the Green and Brown colours. Even other aircraft where the Green Mottle has been expanded the Brown is still plain to see the difference between the 2 colours, not so on Tuominen's FA-26.
(Pics 7-9 show some of this Obvious green and Brown pattern)
So, more Brown was oversprayed and then back to the Green with a more dense and less dense broader mottled application of the Green spread over the Brown…..now it looks more like the Photo references….and I am happier with the result….!
Have added a series of Pics to illustrate my interpretation....Source Last Pic of Book Cover.