**** DONE: GB-53 1/32 Fw190F-8 - Eastern Front

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Don, what if you cut the backing plate and fan off the shaft and just glued it with CA to the engine so it's centered.
Yeah I'm looking at that. The engine is off center and without disassembly of the whole front end I can't straight it out. So pulling the fan and prop hub and cutting the prop shaft maybe the best thing.

Pledge, lucky you. Can't get stuff like that here, I have been using a product called 'One Go' for a few years now but they have now changed the formula of this and it is now basically ammonia. These cleaning material companies have absolutely no consideration for us modellers!
The gull of those cleaning companies. Much less paint companies. We pay $70+ for kits and $6+ for 1/2 Oz of paint. What's the problem!

Oh that bottle is about fifteen years old and I've only used about an inch and a half down. I have to use channel lock plyers to open it.

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