So, keeping it PC, let's move on to some more progress. The stencil decals are all on now, except for one on the canopy that will need to go on once the masks are removed. 118 of the little buggers.
The signal lights were painted and popped in, as was the landing light lens.
Next, I had to deal with the crazy Sky code letter decals, which weren't worth the paper they were printed on. I scanned them and converted them to an SVG file of outlines in Illustrator, sized them down from the 12.7mm they were to 8mm high based on judgement from pics of other birds in the squadron. Then I sent the file to my Cricut machine and cut some masks. Below you can see the difference in size with the masks stuck to the model and the decals in the foreground for comparison. The decals would have almost wrapped around the boom half if I'd used them.
Ready to spray with Tamiya semi-gloss black. Yes, I'm frugal and re-use my masking tape!
And...done. Unfortunately, in removing the mask for the 5, the stencil for the battery hatch came with it so I'll need to touch this area up. It will be tough to match the silver now.
The mask cutter isn't perfect as some of the corners aren't sharp where the knife needs to rotate but I'll need to live with that. I don't think I could have made black decals to go over the silver without making two or three layers and this might not have looked any better, and could well have been much worse. Anyway, I'm good with the results so will move on with a bit of weathering and addition of the last few bits. Looks like I'll finish this on time.