Thanks everyone. With the back end of the fuselage set, I moved on to the forward section today. This started with bringing together the seam at the fuel tank by applying enough clamping force, running some Tamiya Extra Thin cement into the seam and, after making sure the surfaces were lined up nicely, applying a dab of CA on the inside of the seam and zapping it with accelerator to look it all together. I then glued in the firewall (sorry, no pics of this step) after paring down the edges to prevent any cahnce of interference with the upper cowl. Borrowing a trick from my earlier builds, I then marked the center of the upper cowl at the forward edge (you can just see the pencil mark in the below pics) and glued the back edge of the cowl to the fuel tank end and firewall. The mark was used to make sure that the fuselage seams and the front of the cowl were in alignment and this was checked with a steel ruler. This was very important in that there are no alignment tabs and evrything is quite warped. Once I had the back of the cowl set, I repeated the CA/Accelerator trick to lock it into place and proceeded forward, gluing and locking in the side cowls. until everything was secure. I've now set this assembly aside to cure.
I'm not sure I like the "pucker" where the upper and side cowls meet. I think there was such a feature on the real aircraft but I don't know if it was that pronounced. I'll check my references and see if a fix is required and worth the trouble.
I then moved on to the lower cowl, again having to deal with a serious warp. Below, I've brought togther the seam at the carb intake and fused this with a reinforcing strip CA glued on the inside. This will be allowed to fully cure before tackling the front portion.
Back in the pit, I began scratch building a parachute whose purpose will be to hide most of the lousy seat. The chute pack is made of built-up plastic card and the harnesses are wine bottle foil. Here it is glued in place with harnesses being added:
And now with the harnesses on and a splash of paint, all Tamiya colours:
Depending on my mood, I may yet add some buckles. The back of the seat is looking a bit rough though so I'll need to scrub off the built-up CA and repaint it.
The next steps will include investigating how the shoulder harnesses were arranged on this low-back version. Did they go through the slot in the head armour or over a bar and behind the seat? Back Sunday, hopefully.