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Can never be to hard on oneself! How does one improve? It's feedback ,and example, from you guys that has pushed me from dry brushing, to whole decal application to the cutting out of the individual dials (when possible). Got to keep up with the masters!!You're being hard on yourself Ralph. That IP looks excellent.
I am with him. Looks good.You're being hard on yourself Ralph. That IP looks excellent.
Hit the snoozz button to many times ah..Was going to say the same myself, but for some reason I was sleeping while all this was going on.
Your probably right. But the sad part is the effort (actually fun) that was put into that IP and realizing how much better it would have shown. I guess I was just to used to the IPs being under the fuselage lip.It's looking good Ralph, and I wouldn't worry about that error, it won't be noticed.
I know that feeling!Is that what that is?