**** DONE: GB-58 1/48 Boulton Paul Defiant Mk.1 - Night Fighters all Eras

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You're being hard on yourself Ralph. That IP looks excellent.
Can never be to hard on oneself! How does one improve? It's feedback ,and example, from you guys that has pushed me from dry brushing, to whole decal application to the cutting out of the individual dials (when possible). Got to keep up with the masters!!
Well - major FU. One would think with all of the images and information that I was given I would have caught this? Too late to correct without a complete tear apart and probably having to trash the whole effort. The IP was installed incorrectly. It seemed to fit OK, but today, when looking at the photos provided, the shock set in. I Double checked the instructions. Yes, I read them wrong. And so proud of the seam finishing on this one. Only experts will know, but dam!

May just go for the closed canopy option, and add a bit of fogging

The turret assembly has gone well though. It does drop into the cavity without any fit issues. Barrels bored out without any problems and the swively parts swivel!

Onward, through my fog!

It's looking good Ralph, and I wouldn't worry about that error, it won't be noticed.
Your probably right. But the sad part is the effort (actually fun) that was put into that IP and realizing how much better it would have shown. I guess I was just to used to the IPs being under the fuselage lip.
Don't fret yourself over it Ralph, when you have the front windscreen fitted all will look good. So just keep going mate for its a cracking build your doing, shame to waste it.

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