**** DONE: GB-58 1/48 Mosquito NF Mk.XIII/XVII - Night Fighters all Eras

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Nice work Steph.
I used the Rob Taurus vac-formed canopies on my last Mosquito builds, FB.VI, and PR.IX .
They're not like the "average" vac-form canopy, as they're more substantial, more like injection-moulded, and have great frame detail and easy to remove from the sheet, and fit very well.
They're exceptionally clear, allowing internal detail to be viewed easily. Can be obtained from Hannant's.
Drop tanks aren't essential but if you leave them off there I think there would need to be some pylons there which I don't think Tamiya provide in the kit.
Pylons ? Oops... I thought drop tanks were made in one piece, I mean not pylon+drop tank but only drop tank (without pylon)

With drop tanks

Without drop tank (and no pylons)

Other point, I kept searching infos regarding D-Day IS and it seems that these marking weren't worn by 85 Sqn.
I found a photo of Sqn Ldr William Hudson "Bill" Maguire from 85 Sqn alongside a Mosquito coded VY-J.

This Mosquito could be NF Mk.XIX serial TA400 delivered to 85 Sqn during Summer 1944 and flown by Alan J. Owen during August and September 1944. TA400 was lost on 19 October 1944 with Arnold M. Hill (pilot PoW) and Gregory B. Brooker (nav. killed) at the controls.
I keep working...

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