**** DONE: GB-59 1/48 CAC Boomerang – WW2 PTO V

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Late chiming in. I'm just curious about the number of bandages vs flash clean up tools were used? Wow that is (was) a challanging start to say the least. But as usual you have tamed the 'flash' beast.
Thanks guys

Late chiming in. I'm just curious about the number of bandages vs flash clean up tools were used? Wow that is (was) a challanging start to say the least. But as usual you have tamed the 'flash' beast.
Mostly I used my needle files to do the flash cleanup, and CA to do the filling.
I've been working on smoothing out the wing joints, but nothing much worth taking a picture of. I'm stuck working nights this week and next so hope to be able to get a bit more work done than usual during the day when the house is quiet.
Next the tail glued on and some white paint sprayed.

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