I feel for you Bill and know from my own experience that these add-ons can be a pain and never fit like there supposed. That finished fit sure looks good.
Having built one of these kits I know the difficulties you've faced. IMHO you have done a great job on this one. I couldn't get the engine to fit at all so well done in getting it to look so good.
Well, it's been long enough, I am calling this one done.
It must be, as I have run out of parts and pieces!!!!!!
Full set of finished when the weather clears?????????
Well done Bill. You've tamed a tough kit but could have save yourself some effort installing that antenna wire. That would have been long gone for your bird.
Well done Bill. You've tamed a tough kit but could have save yourself some effort installing that antenna wire. That would have been long gone for your bird.
Well, it's been long enough, I am calling this one done.
It must be, as I have run out of parts and pieces!!!!!!
Full set of finished when the weather clears????????? View attachment 789096
Looks nice, better than my effort so far. I suppose even in theory something has to "give" on the cowling, if the model is only 1mm thick that represents circa 2" of metal on the real thing. To me you have to make a choice engine in and cowlings off or no engine and top cowling on, staying with the complete fuselage/ cowlings at the sides.