**** DONE: GB-63 1/48 Bf 108B-2 Taifun - Stormy Weather

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Thanks gents. Started adding Tamiya Panel Liner. In the past I found, as others have, if one puts too much on, the liner will leaves residue outside of the panel lines and takes forever to remove. Sometimes, no matter how many time you remove it, some of the residue remains. I wasn't about to throw out four bottles of this stuff out so I tried a different tack. I put panel liner in two or three panel lines, depending how long they were. Immediately I dipped one of my lady Q-tips into odorless paint thinner and instead of wiping, I rolled the Q-tip along the panel line, no residue remained. This has to be done immediately as you can see I missed a spot on the "M" and took about two minutes to remove




I'll let this set and do the bottom in a while

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Thanks all. Half done the bottom. Should be able to flat coat tomorrow night and then add the last of the sticky-outy bits
Well, almost half done the bottom; under-side of the right wing done. For this I used Mr. Weathering Color - Grayish Brown. Its a different medium and is good for producing streaks such as the occasional desert rain mixing with dust. I was a little over-zealous cleaning and didn't quite get the effect I've produced before

Looks great George. I'd check the undercarriage against the photos on the previous page. I hope I'm wrong but it looks to me like they may be the wrong way round?

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