Dual A6M Zero build

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Cheers Wayne! horrible weather today , too cold to do any painting

Stays like this tomorrow I'm just gonna paint them , wait a while for drying
:oops: Well , I've done abit today , finally

Should be done soon guys "should"


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Cheers Terry and Alex! Didn't notice Terry to you pointed it out Terry , good spotting!
A6M5 is nearly done , just needs prop and canon barrels added

Decals for the A6M2 took a trip to crap creek without its paddle , some went on , some didn't , the rest just wanted to piss me off

Coated them in clear before hand , still split like me on a school day at 3 pm

Not sure what I'm gonna do , I have another hasegawa A6M2 which I may sacrifice the decals from

May just wait til I find an aftermarket set to finish it off

I'm quite pleased with them though


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Nice work Daniel, like the weathering around the nose on the 'green one' - never can tell a 'Zero' from a 'Zero'!
Bummer about the decals, and as Japanese stuff aren't my 'thing' I'm afraid I can't help you out - unless the ones from my 1/32nd scale kit would fit!!!!
Cheers Vic ,Terry and Wayne! don't think they'd fit Terry :lol: thanks anyway!

Will see if I have some more decals to suit Daniel, can't have ahalf finished Zero going on here....:D

your too kind mate , No worries if you don't cause Il be building more of these down the track ( eventually!) so I'm gonna have to buy some aftermarket ones sometime :D

Also , apologies for the small shots - Internets going dialup speed again
No worries mate! :D and Cheers Pong!

Il post photos when I find a set of decals and finish them up

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