Duxford....Birds in Theirs Nests

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Excellent; that bay in the front of the big hangar is a great place to get close to the aircraft; would be terrific to see the Liberator not hemmed in in the AAM.
Some great shots there Jeff.
I agree with Grant, it was nice to be able to see the B-24 in it's entirety, without the clutter of other stuff as it was in the American Museum. I took the opportunity to get a couple of shots, one shown here.


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Now do not get me wrong....I love the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum's Lysander as well as the Vintage Wings of Canada one as well but THIS is what a Lysander looks best in....camo over black.


Good ones Jeff. The Lysander is painted to represent the one normally flown by Hugh Verity, on SOE Ops into France, complete with his 'Jiminy Cricket' nose art.

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